Friday, January 17, 2020


After creating a mind map, our production team up with our treatment/plot for our film, a first step towards creating trailers. I am really looking forward to creating it and making our ideas come to life.


A young teenage boy, Jack Masters, returns from school and informs his mum that he has returned home. He soon notices post which has been delivered through his mail box and is on his door step. This letter contains an image of a person, the name of that person and the words ‘III days'.  

At first, the boy is unsure what this means and ignores the message he has received, believing it was sent to the wrong house. Three days later, the teenage boy skims over the newspaper to see the news that the same person whose image has ben in the letter has been murdered.

However, believing it was just a coincidence, he continues to go about his everyday life until he receives another anonymous letter shortly after, containing an image of another person, name and the words repeated again ‘III days'. Suspicion begins to arise within him when he listens to radio news revealing the identity of a further murder victim:  it is the same person who was in the letter, murdered three days later. The teenage boy, although concerned and confused as to why he is receiving these, does not begin to take action until the third letter comes through the post.

Instead, it is not what he expected: he is shocked to see it is a letter containing his name and an image of himself. Since the previous letters had horrified him by resulting in the deaths of these people, he decides to try and find out himself how to save himself.

He sets about investigating and collating information. He works in a meticulous way, becoming obsessed: in his room, a pin board covered with the newspaper cuttings and reports tracks the previous two murders. The letters themselves feature prominently. The teenage boy has gathered everything that he thinks may contribute to understanding what is happening to him. 

However, the board is his undoing. The police believe he is a primary suspect for the two murders due to the board that he had created on the cases. They question why he would have this amount of detail unless he were involved. When the boy explains that he is next to be killed after having received the threatening letter, the police do not believe him. They think he has made it up to cover up his murders.

The trailer ends on a cliff hanger: can the teenage boy prove his innocence as well as prevent his own death which is quickly approaching him?


'Three anonymous letters are mysteriously posted in a teenage boys letter box. The images contain people who are then murdered 'III days' after receiving the letters; the final letter of the three is him.'

Big question

'Will he be able to prove his innocence, will he beat the clock and prevent his own murder.'

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